Delicacy of Newars: Yomari

Yomari is the delicious steamed bread with mouth watering filling made from a new harvest rice flour. It consists of an external covering of rice flour and inner content of sweet substances such as chakku, khuwa etc. This delicacy plays an important role in newar society.Yomari is the key part of the Newari festival of Yomari punhi.
Yomari punhi is the festival which is celebrated on the second day of full moon day when prayers are offered during which the yomari's are stored and not eaten on that day. So, on fourth and final day, newari people consume it as a gift from goddess and this practise marks the end of festival, Yomari punhi.

Yomari plays an important role in many auspicious ceremony in Nw+ewar community such as rice feeding ceremony of child, Dhau-Baji i.e celebration of expectant mother, as a sagun food, Indrajatra, Samaya-baji and many more.
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